Monday, December 3, 2012

Many Monday Muses - Part 1: Francesca Lia Block

I've been so inspired by many people in the past week, so I want to give each of them a post, for my Monday Muses:

First is Francesca Lia Block. Yes, she was one of my muses for my birthday post last week. But today (December 3rd) is her birthday, so I want to write a happy birthday post for her.

She is definitely one of my favorite writers ever, & I've loved and been inspired by everything she's written: her fanciful yet relatable novels for teens; her lovely and sensual erotica stories for adults; and her beautifully lyrical poetry. She has a wonderful way of expressing the knife-edge balance of lightness and darkness in life with her magical-realism style.

Someday I hope to visit L.A. so I can take one of her writing workshops - I think it would be an amazing and empowering experience. Until then, I'll continue to be inspired by her books - right now, I'm re-reading (for the countless time) her "Weetzie Bat"/ "Dangerous Angels" series, and have just finished "Cherokee Bat and the Goat Guys." This new-age rock-and-roll fable is one of my favorites.

And I'll keep in mind her advice for writers, from this great video taken at the 2010 West Hollywood Book Fair by writer and blogger Nutchell, and posted on the blog, "The Writing Nut" ( and on Youtube:

So, thank you, Francesca, for being a wonderful role-model for all of us writers and readers who have been so positively affected by your work. And Happy Birthday!